Friday, December 29, 2006


I am 2 centimeters dialated...but the contractions have stopped for the most part. I didn't have this waiting game with Rayna and I hope I won't get to entry waiting...24 or something like that. The doctor says it could be hours, days, or weeks yet. It's all in how this baby wants to come. In the meantime, I am cleaning out closets and getting ready...didn't believe in the nesting instinct until experiencing it myself. Jon and I are having another long weekend at home and it's great. At the moment, Jon is on the last level of a videogame that is stressing him out majorly. Isn't videogames supposed to take stress away? Just a thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh tell that baby to wait until we come back! :) let me know if you need someone to help watch rayna, okay??

6:07 PM  

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