The Hohm adventure...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Let the adventure begin!

Have you ever had one of those moments in life where you were facing something that was so exciting that your stomach had some butterflies, but also so scary that you felt sick all at the same time? I gave up a long time ago to try to figure out God's plan for our lives and I gently fall into the knowledge that He can see the entire picture and calling for our lives. So...let the adventure begin!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Enough already!

I have noticed a pattern in my life, and not one that I am particularly proud of. I started reading back through old journals, you know..the ones that you write even when you're a kid about how a friend was mean to you at school or a boy that you like and you write your name with his last name next to it...oh come on girls, we all did it! It occurred to me that I only write something in a journal or blog when I am feeling kind of down or I said enough already! Anyone can find something wrong with each personal situation, family, friend, or stage in life if they are looking for it. I simply want to give thanks. I give thanks to my heavenly father for simply giving me the air to breathe each day. I give thanks for each time I hear one or both of my children laugh from their gut...the true joy that cannot be faked. I give thanks for having the privilege of being apart of kingdom work with the love of my life and seeing lives changed for eternity. I give thanks who knows the true me and loves me anyway, for sunshine, true deep friendships, a great new song and the memories of an old one, for the ability and honor of forgiveness of others and the humbleness of being forgiven, for knowing that God supplies all your needs and will give wisdom to anyone who asks.....the list could go on forever. I literally, in the "woe is me" moments of life, often have to stop and say...enough already, I am thankful for ________. It is often difficult to get that first couple of perspective changing things to be thankful for out, but after starts to flow out of me and suddenly I can see things the way I was meant to.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

odds stacked against....

Do you ever get the feeling that the odds are stacked against you? 2009 has proven to be a fairly difficult year and there are several things I have learned. #1 It doesn't come as a surprise to our heavenly Father when trials or difficulties come. He is in complete control. #2 We are never promised that life would be easy, only that we wouldn't have to be alone through it. #3 Family means everything......treasure every moment. #4 When things are difficult, it's hard to rely on any feeling of your relationship with your creator...because at times you feel abandoned in the moment. This is why we have to build on rock....and not sand. #5 The Word of God doesn't change, but it is amazing how the promises on the pages will look different in difficult times.

If you are having a rocky start to your year as I have....may you be encouraged! I pray that through the fire...I come out stronger and more refined. If that doesn't work - then you can just laugh at this picture of Rayna and think of how much you want to do that to the crazy part of your life :)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy Birthday to me :)

It's my 32nd birthday....but to most people, I have told them that i'm 29....and will continue to be 29 for several more years. I haven't blogged in so long.....but family, ministry, my job, and yes...our little kiddos have taken up all my spare time! Ah...who am I kidding, i've just been a slacker. I get inspired when I check out other people's blogs from time to time and do realize that I have much more to share. We have had an amazing fall/winter and are excited for a brand new year to see what God has in store for us. We just spent 2 weeks in Wyoming with 8 adults, and 7 kids all under the age of 8 in the same house for a solid week....and it felt a little like a circus but was really a lot of fun! Jon and I commented that we barely saw Rayna that week because she had so many cousins to play with. We relaxed, played Wii, saw several movies, took the kids bowling....and in general, just ate like pigs and it was great. Personally, Jon and I have continued to be challenged in our walk with the Lord and are taking a break from the book "11" by Leonard Sweet and started reading "The Emotionally Healthy Church" by Peter Scazzero. We are in the first couple of chapters and it has been an amazing eye opening conversation and look at ministry. Rayna in her last semester of preschool, in her first ballet/tap class, and says a lot of phrases like "mom...i know that already! as if she's already 15." We repainted her room to a true princess room with dark pink walls and huge lime green, brick red, and pink circles on her walls. Our bouncy baby boy Owen is almost 2 already! Owen is talking a lot now but I am having a hard time understanding what he says half of the he points and repeats his garbled word over and over and over and louder and louder until I understand what he is saying. He loves to wrestle with Rayna and attacks her often. He loves balls, trucks, and pretty much anything that makes noise. Until next time......may you go on an incredible faith journey this year.....

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

a long needed update

In the last 6 months, we have been updating our house with starting to paint the outside of the house this summer, watching God do amazing things through the students at EPIK, had a princess and superhero party for Rayna's 5th birthday, and getting into a routine with our two amazing kids. Since the introduction of facebook, I have been majorly slacking on my sorry to all the bloggers out there! We are so blessed and love our life.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

new kitchen pictures

here you go mom... This weekend the hardware will be put on and behind the sink will be finished. It is really great and we are enjoying it!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Things to be thankful for...

Here are a few pictures of our precious babies... We'll update the house pictures when they're all done! It's getting close for the kitchen to be done, so it's getting exciting!

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