Sunday, March 18, 2007

We love the SISCHO's

Yesterday, Adam, Danae (Jr. High pastors), and our family of 4 hopped in the good old minivan and took off for the cities. We had 2 get out of Willmar, to eat someplace that wasn't in Willmar, and to get to the marathon store so Jon could get a decent pair of shoes for his training. Wait..that's 3 objectives.:) Anyway, when we got to the marathon store, one of the salesperson's told Jon that the running shoes that he was wearing to run in were no good. In fact, he said that because of the way his feet are when he walks and runs, he would have been better off running in flipflops. So, he got himself an official pair of running shoes! Yeah...Jon actually bought a pair of shoes. It's hard to believe because he takes after his mom and holds onto his money until God parts the heavens and speaks to him directly about his purchases...unless it's a pair of jeans. (I love you Jon and are just both so frugal!) I'm just kidding...but it's pretty close! We also got to spend some time shopping at the Mall of America, or Mall of Erica as Rayna calls it, eat at Famous Dave's and went to IKEA to look at lights and dining room tables. These are a few pictures of our family on a fun day with the Sischos courtesy of Danae.


Blogger Cristina said...

Love it, love it...LOVE it!

Erica should be honored that the biggest mall in the US is named after her.

Pretty exciting that Jon finally got some good shoes- way to go Jon! When we come visit this summer, would it be okay if we join in an adventure? I miss escaping Willmar with you guys :)

12:52 PM  

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