Sunday, April 09, 2006

the end is in sight

3 1/2 weeks of classes left...4 papers left to write...8 weeks of internship for the semester left...and the end is in sight. I am looking forward to a wonderful summer with my family and spending time doing things that don't require a lot of brain power. Rayna is doing good and always keeping us busy. Lately, Jon and I have both been putting her to bed together at night and she has been sleeping better. We've come to the conclusion that because of all of the uncertainity that comes with each day for her, it's no wonder she's reacting to all of the changes. Not knowing who was going to be there when she wakes up...or where she is going that day....has caused her to have to adjust. I am anxious to put my time focused on her even though my heart has been focused on her and my family this whole time. Didn't know it would be this hard....but in the thick of things, I can't quit now. God is good to us and we are thankful for his blessings and holding us up.


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